Thursday, May 5, 2011

Agilist strike again

Continuing on my critique of research in agile methods, started with this (relatively) popular post on integrated concurrent engineering compared to agile software methods.,.

I ran across this post by Dean Leffingwell and this post by Chad Holdorff, extolling the "proper" mixture of component vs. feature teams (definitions included in these posts, somewhat) on a project.  Problem with this post is that there are not studies showing correlation with the two variables on the graph from Dean, the proposed mixture of component and feature teams, and the productivity and/or quality of output of the teams that do and do not follow this proposal.  Additionally, there is no notion of context: why types of systems does this model work for? where does it break down? At best, this mixture is simply a hypothesis that needs to be tested through proper study.  They should be marked with "notional" and for illustrative purposes only (i.e., they are fiction).

Now compare the notional mixture of structuring teams with the work of using tools like Design Structure Matrix to organize and improve global product development.  A good starting point would be Steve Eppinger's paper, A Model-Based Method for Organizing Tasks in Product Development.  Here we have a model, formalized, that has been applied and the outcome studied for productivity changes.  There are other, dare I say, mature ways to manage dependencies.

The agile crowd needs to move past heuristics and case studies, and no notion of context, to describe what works and what doesn't work.  Further, the definition of work needs include a notion of output quality (and not just absence of defects).  There is are better ways than the simple heuristics and one off case studies.


  1. DSM is my all time favorite thing.

  2. Of the things that killed me about the posts from Dean and Chad (I know both) was the decision that the best way to deal with dependencies is just not to, at least not at a management level. Just form the teams as "functional" teams, and let them deal with it. I'm sure that simplistic approach works in some contexts, but in the world of systems that just doesn't cut it.

    Hopefully our agile friend will stop reinventing everything and start doing real study and research.
